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About Us

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Who we are ?

Deck Mount Electronics, founded in the year 2021, is an initiative to bring technology and healthcare

Deck Mount is a young technology-driven MedTech company with the mission to serve the medical needs of the country. Its electronics was conceived to tackle the dire deficiency of respiratory products in India. This vision of Deck Mount's team has helped it in generating a 100+ cr revenue within a very short span of time, beginning from May, 2021.

The deadly second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic led to the inception of Deck Mount earlier this year. Starting up this MedTech company in a large setup was driven by a never-dying passion to ease human pain. “Saving millions of lives” is not just a tagline, but our purpose and push.

The Deck Mount journey was embarked with an unshakable will to put technology into saving lives, and is going strong by continuously improving and evolving itself each passing day to deliver edge tech solutions that help patients not just in fighting medical hardships, but by being able to live a pain-free life.

Our endeavours are futuristic and the change we crave is to develop future-proof genetics and bring new technologies and devices to the market.

Our country has been dependant on foreign imports for life-saving products such as oxygen concentrators and BiPAP machines. This poses a hurdle in India's healthcare scenario and has been one of the reasons for an acute shortage of these devices. As a manufacturing company under the Make-in-India scheme, we are visualizing our innovations shaping into pioneer technologies across the globe. True to our vision, within a short span, Deck Mount has become the largest and the leading manufacturer of oxygen concentrators.

Our motto is our commitment to the industry to provide only global-level products. Our team works round the clock to deliver the best results while continuously evolving in this modern technical era. We repudiate compromising our quality and results and strive to achieve greater heights each day.

Our Vision

We see our devices healing lives and bringing smiles. We work to create an easier environment for healthcare workers and patients through our solutions.

At Deck Mount, we dream of designing devices that solve the unsolvable. Not just dreaming, we are already in the process of reaching it. As a manufacturing company under the make in India scheme, we are visualizing our innovations shaping into pioneer technologies across the globe. We believe that every problem has a solution and every solution can get better with advancement. We have a dedicated R&D to create solutions and advance the existing solutions for the better.


Our Values

At Deck mount, we realize the power we have in our hands to create a change, at the same time we are aware of the responsibility that comes with the power. We intend to be wiser and cautious in the choices we make.

Our core value is to make the lives on earth better without worsening the process. This is the reason that pushed us to hire 100+ engineers specialized in MedTech, we don’t want a single error for we understand the cost of a small error in the medical field can turn out to be a number of human lives.

Deckmount - Integrity

Be Honest and Real

Deckmount - Customer Obsession
Customer Obsession

Be Always Customer First

Deckmount - Responsibility

Be Responsible for Human Lives

Message from Our Founder

As important as it is to spread the air of kindness around us, It is crucial to understand the gravity of the situation we have found ourselves in. As a co-creator of SpiceJet’s health businesses, comprehending how the virus mutated every day, donating to charities, and extending help to the people in need were uncomplicated. Being empathetic to the affected and aiding them in all possible ways. But my view on the virus changed when I was personally affected by the covid.

I and my loved ones were tested covid positive and it was only a matter of days we went breathless and hunting for oxygen everywhere. Procuring oxygen concentrators or ventilators didn’t seem to be a struggle for someone who has been developing a national brand like SpiceJet for six years, but to all of our surprise, it did come as a Herculean task for us. Every oxygen concentrator and ventilator prescribed were of a foreign brand that either had to be imported or was not available immediately. We managed to survive the virus, however, the incident left a profound impact on us.

With years of experience gained from building multiple large-scale businesses, we know it is our responsibility to build a brand that can bring affordable and accessible oxygen concentrators and ventilators to the Indian market. We dreamt of a dream to “save millions of lives” and that took shape into Deck Mount.

We are proud of our team that has developed these life-saving technologies with the utmost care and perseverance. Their willingness to put the nation before their own comfort and work round the clock into saving lives has left us overwhelmed. We are hopeful that the gap of need and availability will be bridged by our innovations. We wish as the affordability of the devices increases the hope in people with desperate needs also increases.

Wishing everyone a healthier and happier life.

Manjiv Singh - Founder & CEO - Deck Mount Group

Manjiv Singh - Founder & CEO - Deck Mount Group