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How My Life Changed

For years, I had struggled with sleepless nights and fatigued mornings. My snoring was so loud that my family members always complained about it. I had no idea that the culprit behind my ear-deafening snoring, fatigue, and lack of energy was sleep apnea. In fact, I didn’t even know such a condition existed until I met my dear friend Manjiv, who was the founder and owner of a medical device manufacturing company called Deck Mount Electronics.

During our meeting, he noticed that I was drowsy, irritable, and dozing off intermittently, and that my breathing was also labored. My friend told me about sleep apnea, a condition where a person's breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. He suggested I take a sleep test using a device called “Sleep Sense.”

The diagnosis was very clear that I had a severe case of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I was recommended CPAP therapy, this involved a mask which is connected to a device that provides a constant stream of air, keeping the airways open during sleep.

I was skeptical and a bit apprehensive about using a CPAP machine. The thought of wearing a mask to bed every night seemed uncomfortable and cumbersome. However, my desire for better sleep outweighed these concerns.

The first night with the CPAP machine was a bit of an adjustment. The mask felt foreign, and the sound of the machine was unfamiliar. But surprisingly, I slept through the night without waking up gasping for air. For the first time in years, I woke up feeling refreshed and alert.

As the days went by, my body started responding to the CPAP therapy. I noticed a tremendous improvement in the quality of my sleep. The constant interruptions that used to plague my nights were gone. I was experiencing deep, restful sleep, and it felt incredible.

One of the most remarkable changes was my energy levels during the day. I no longer felt the overwhelming urge to take naps or the foggy feeling that made it hard to concentrate. There is definitely a feeling of regret that I did not know about this treatment earlier, as I could have lived a much better life. But one thing that keeps me in a good mental space is the saying, “better late than never.”

As I lay my head down each night, the CPAP machine becomes not just a device, but a companion on my journey to remind me that life’s greatest gifts often come in unexpected forms.
Author : Navdeep Lamba